UTI AMC is in the business of managing the domestic mutual funds. They also provide PMS i.e. Portfolio Management Service to institutional and high net worth clients. The Promotors of UTI AMC include LIC, BoB, PNB, SBI. UTI AMC subsidiaries are UTI Capital, UTI International Limited, UTI Ventures, and more. The UTI AMC IPO GMP will help investors to select the best IPO among the three IPO which are coming together and invest in it.
Check out UTI AMC IPO grey market premium, Kostak rates, and subject to sauda rates as on today.
The Grey Market Premium of UTI AMC IPO is ₹-20. It has decreased a lot in the last few hours. The trend seems to be weak.
UTI AMC IPO Kostak Price
The Kostak Price of UTI AMC IPO is ₹0. The Kostak Price for this IPO has no trades.
UTI AMC IPO Subject To Sauda Rates
The Subject to Sauda Price of UTI AMC IPO is ₹0