Kaynes Technology services include Product Design & Engineering, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer – Turnkey Solutions – PCBA & Box Build), ODM (Original Design Manufacturing), IoT Solutions, Cable Harness, Automated Test Equipment & Functional Tester, and Third Party Repairs. Kaynes Technology has 35 years of experience in manufacturing with 10 Global Certifications, 250+ Clients, 1500+ Employees, 8 Manufacturing plants, and 2 Service Centers. Their manufacturing facilities are in the states of Karnataka, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and Uttarakhand. They have Service centers out of Cochin and Mumbai, catering to Railway, Aerospace, Defence, and Industrial Clients.
How to apply for the Kaynes Technology IPO? You can apply for Kaynes Technology IPO via ASBA available in your bank account. Just go to the online bank login and apply via your bank account by selecting the Kaynes Technology IPO in the Invest section. The other option is you can apply for Kaynes Technology IPO via IPO forms downloaded via NSE and BSE. Check out the Kaynes Technology forms – Click BSE Forms & NSE Forms blank IPO forms download, fill, and submit in your bank or with your broker.
Kaynes TechnologyFinancial:
Period Ended
Total Assets
Total Revenue
Profit After Tax
Peer Group
Dixon Technologies Limited
Amber Enterprises India Limited
Company Promoters
Ramesh Kunhikannan
Savitha Ramesh
RK Family Trust
Quick Links
Objectives of the IPO
Funding capital expenditure requirements for developing an R&D facility and expansion / setting up of manufacturing facilities.
Funding long-term working capital requirements.
General corporate purposes.
Kaynes TechnologyIPO Registrar
Link Intime India Private Limited C-101, 247 Park, 1st Floor L.B.S. Marg, Vikhroli West Mumbai 400 083, Maharashtra, India Phone: +91 22 4918 6200 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.linkintime.co.in